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Loan Officer Marketing with Chris Johnstone

Sep 16, 2022

Dustin Owen is on The Loan Officer Wealth Podcast this week! During this exciting conversation, he shares his tips on finding good leaders and how to nurture and grow your employees for your business.

The Loan Officer Wealth Podcast | EP. 39

Guest - @Dustin Owen, @theloanofficerpodcast (Instagram)

During this incredibly valuable conversation you will learn:

  • How Dustin Owen trains his new employees when they first start and what kind of goals and targets you should expect from them.
  • The importance of consistently networking and having meaningful conversations everyday with people who can become referral partners and generate more business for you!
  • Dustin also explains why it is so important to relentlessly follow up and connect with your generated leads to convert them into actual customers.

And More!

Make sure you subscribe as we have an incredible lineup of future guests coming for you!

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